I am big fan of continual improvement and learning. This page lists workshops, classes, or tutorials that I have attended or participated.
AMIA 2014
- Washington DC
- November 15 - 19
NY Tech Meetup Hack of the Month
- New York, NY
- October 6
- NY Tech Meetup
- Presented Text Classification for Alcohol Use in Twitter: Some Science.
KDD 2014
- New York, NY
- August 24 - 27
- KDD 2014
- Workshop: Statistically Sound Pattern Discovery
- Workshop: Big Data Analytic Technology for Bioinformatics & Health Informatics (KDDBHI)
- Redwood City, CA
- August 13, 2014
- The 3rd International Workshop on Issues and Challenges in Social Computing
- Presented Text Classification for Automatic Detection of Alcohol Use-Related Tweets.
GIR 2014
- Nashville, TN
- June 9 - 11
- 2014 Information Technology in Medicine Conference
- Presented Automatic classification of medical curricula into MeSH categories with machine learning text categorization models: a case study.